Times are always changing and we are always in a rush to be updated with it. Blackberrys is right by your side, ready to dress you for every occasion within a few minutes. In short, whatever the occasion, you’re always ready for it!



Be a multitasker of looks!

With Multitude 6x suits, you can never go wrong with looks. Imagine being ready for your business meeting and then being ready for your special lunch date in a couple of seconds. Yes, you read that right. With Multitude 6X, you can just remove your coat and now you’re all set for a fancy and casual lunch date with the same outfit, but a whole new look. Not only that, you can even go to the beach with your friends and enjoy the sun and sand! All you need to do is just swap your trousers with the turn-up hem shorts.

Check your multi-tasker buddies here


Be a stunner while blocking viruses

You always take care of your clothes, we all do and it’s instilled in our brains like a habit. But, with Multitude 6X suits, you get an added advantage of the Viro-block finish. So the roles are reversed, and your clothes take care of you now. You can easily work without getting worried about the attack of germs!

Check out these safe suits here

Play with your looks!

It just takes a lapel to differentiate your looks. With Multitude 6X suits, you could do exactly that just by detaching your lapel. Your formal look and your partywear looks are now only a lapel apart. You could be the next showstopper with your suave suits. And, you would attract all the attention towards yourself with just a lapel.

Check out these party rockers here


Reverse and enjoy every occasion

Our reversible multitude waistcoats add another dimension to your look on any occasion. All you need to do is just turn your waistcoat inside out and your look is as good as new. Turn up the good vibes with something as small as a waistcoat. You can become an icon with it because usually, waistcoats are just an added layer, but here, that layer is your accessory to becoming a symbol of class.

Check out these swanky waistcoats here

Fashion gets fitter now

In today’s times, fashion rules all around the world by another name, the fit. To many, a good fit is always in fashion and demand. Blackberrys Multitude 6X suits help you with that as well. Generally suits present a more stoic mood, but Slim fit suits are always in trend. With a phenomenal fit, you look dapper and equipped to take on the world with your looks. Be forever ready for any occasion and be the multi-tasker with Multitude 6X suits.

Check out these magic fitters here